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- 49

you are cool bro

- Priyanshu Maurya

Cool Site :)

- Lohitaksha Malhotra

working on a new site 👀

- Shoubhit Dash

really cool site, love it :)

- yuki

trying to become a better coding and make lots of friends around coding.

- Codr Koazie


- Paul Valladares

I regret using firebase

- Shoubhit Dash

Firebase huh

- Benton B.C.

Baffle>any other product

- Samuel Dorfman

Bring this man to San Francisco RIGHT NOW.

- Brandon Tam

create-t3-app is amazing, great work <3

- David Malmström

Awesome Site!

- Stephen Morrow

Create t3 looks cool!

- Jökull Sólberg Auðunsson

Good stuff! If you're looking to collab with new people. My Github handle is @mrzachnugent. Cheers!

- Zach Nugent

What's up its ur boy S̨̪͇ͅt̯͉A̻̲̣Ŕ̳̰̪̥̫_̧͖̘̪̘A͚͈̙̺̮̜̬N͖̙S͔̗͕̖̯̥I̲̙̥̼̖̗̦BL͈͍͓̕E̥͘

- Nick Barth

Such aweisome

- Nicolai Christensen

Your website looks very professional, good job!

- Sven Boeckx

the apple keyboard shortcut is ctrl + k on most devices!

- knut kodehode

How a awesome website!

- Elaine Fan Chiang


- Yash

nexxel da best

- Yash

quality work!

- tim hansher

Really cool!!!Absolutely love the transitions!!

- Apoorva Sahoo

very cool webiste i gotta say :) <3

- Rachey dachey

Elden Ring is 10 out of 100

- Debaditya Sarkar

new message after i increased the character limit to 100 and added this real-time count indicator

- Shoubhit Dash

Nexxel is an amazing dev, the projects speak for themselves!

- Yin Chu Rijnaard

cuz there is nothing to do here

- Yash

lol no one is visiting this website anymore :(

- Shoubhit Dash

stream reputation

- Cherry Berry

TrYiNg To MaKe ThE WoRlD A CoOlEr PlAcE lol breka a lge g job

- Cherry Berry

Excuses are never excused

- Saksham Kushwaha

I’m in your walls

- Samuel Dorfman

the input bar is kinda weird

- Yash

first message after google oauth!

- Shoubhit Dash

"There always a bigger fish" Awesome page

- 8koi

go away

- briar

This is awesome! Love the UI

- Advaith

very cool

- yash

ayo, this looks so sick ✨

- asheeshh

Sooo sick page! Really great job. Cool navigation system!


Nice dude!

- Salim Zaidi

This is so cool nexxel!! /dacheygang

- rachey

Teach me your ways, king.

- FusionSid

Hope you keep at this as you get older!

- Rinkeby

Cool site man!

- Rxseboy

im so cool

- chia

taylor swift is amazing :D

- chia

spacedoggo here, Damn amazing website and you're a very amazing person

- Dhravya Shah

this is so cool

- Sid

very cool site

- tired

i love men

- tired

Its a Amazing Site

- Tea Drinker

Hello dude 🥳😬😵🙊🙉🙈🌵🐁🐖🍞🍩🍿

- Kantan


- nexxel